Introduction is a financial education website. Reading articles on this website, you will find that everything is written honestly, helping you to become a professional trader.
I do not promise you to become a professional trader in a short period, unlike countless liers on the internet. Becoming a professional trader requires knowledge, motivation, self-management, experience, and a lot more.
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About the Founder
I am Zafari from Afghanistan and 30 years old. For some reason, I do not disclose my identity further.
I have a bachelor’s degree in Economics and an MBA and have also taken over 50 online and offline courses to empower myself.
I (founder) started financial assets trading activities in 2014 after my company importing home appliances failed. Since then, I began several other businesses but failed.
Becoming a winning trader in the financial market was difficult because I had no guide, and my English was not good to learn from other traders. In Farsi, due to many decades of war in Afghanistan and sanctions on Iran, we cannot find sufficient material to learn to trade.
I tried many techniques learned from instructors. However, none of them helped me become a winning trader.
In the end, I found that becoming a consistently winning trader requires learning everything that you read on, experiences, and other things that I have not covered.
If you like to know more, please visit our contact page as well.